Friday, December 5, 2008

survivor philippines: jc wins new car, gives rob immunity

survivor philippines' 7th individual immunity challenge is a combination some elements of previous challenges. first, they need to roll the large ball that they used in 4th immunity challenge to a mat. once the ball is on the mat, they can proceed to the second station, where they need to roll a long fabric on their body from a pol and release it by rolling over the sand. after that, they need to run to the next station, where an eating challengeis located. they need to eat 4 thai local delicacies.

after they finish all 4, they will climb a vertical wall and cross a cargo net. at the end of the net, they will run to a sand pit and retrieve 7 blocks. they will place all blocks on a table. each block contains thai symbols for the days of the weeks. they need to arrange the blocks in the correct order. if they are wrong. they need to go to a cheat table and go back again to rearrange the block. if its already correct, the castaway would raise his flag. first castaway to finish wins immunity.

in the first challenge, jc still got the early lead on the ball, followed closely by rob & cris. jc was the first one on the second station and was also the first to finish. on the eating challenge, cris finish first and was the first in the wall climb and cargo net but jc quickly caught up with him. they were neck to neck in the sandpit. rob also caught up. while the men were in the sand pit, charisse slowly but surely caught up with them and eventually joined them in the sand pit.

the blocks proved to be hard to find. jc and cris already have 6 a piece. rob already has 5 and charisse has 4. it is still everybody's game up to this point. the castaways was fighting not only the scorching sun but also the pain of digging for a long time. with luck on his side, jc found his last block. he then ran to the cheat table. rob stopped digging, and just watched jc. cris was teasing him that he only depended on jc and was confident that he will not be voted off.

jc came back to his table and arranged the blocks. paolo checked and confirmed it correct. jc then raised his flag and paolo declared him the winner.

to the castaways' surprise, paolo revealed that jc would have a choice. he can keep immunity and be safe in the tribal council or he can chose to keep a brand new car and give up immunity. if he keeps immunity, he needs to give the car to someone else. jc chose to keep the car and give rob the immunity necklace.

will jc's choice of the car payoff? being a big threat physically and strategically, he is now vulnerable to being voted off the island. also, the us version of survivor has this thing called "car curse" since all the winners of the car challenge all failed to become the sole survivor. will ujc fall to this curse?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think so..cause i believ jc is the best among the also hot...ur yummy jc!

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