Wednesday, December 10, 2008

survivor philippines: charisse becomes last jury member, final two revealed

anna charisse yacapin becomes the last member of the jury after being eliminated in the 14th tribal council in survivor philippines. charisse was voted off by rob and chose jc to be with him in the final two. charisse and jc did not vote because their votes would cancel out since they would only vote for each other after rob won immunity.

charisse was really an underdog at the start of the competition. no one expected her to last till the final three. she is a fashionista and kikay. she used har charms and good social skills to compensate on her physical weakness. she was one of the brains that started the girls alliance in jarakay. after that, she played with marlon at the start of the merge and stayed close with the naak tribe. her efforts payed off when after kiko was voted out, jc and rob trusted her over kaye and cris. the alliance with jc was the one that made her last till the final three.

charisse accepted her elimination calmly and said that she was happy whatever happens and wishes the 2 guys good luck in her exit interview. she lasted 38 days in the island and was the last female standing. she was able to win an individual immunity challenge in day 26 and was the only one in the final seven castaway that did not get to enjoy any of the rewards.

with charisse gone, survivor philippine's final 2 was revealed. the final two are basketball hottie jc tiuseco and loverboy rob sy. the 2 guys will battle it out for 3 million pesos in the last tribal council.

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