Sunday, December 7, 2008

survivor philippines: cris is the 7th member of the jury

cris cartagenas became the 7th member of the jury and the 14th person voted out of the show after another intense tribal council. cris was voted off with a 3 - 1 vote, with all of his tribemates voting against him and jc received his vote. cris was a member of the naak alliance but voted against kiko in a move to go further in the game. but he returned to the alliance in the next tribal council.

just before the immunity challenge, cris was talking with charisse of a possible alliance and vote off rob. charisse was the swing vote since jc and rob are voting together but charisse could side with cris to force a tie. unfortunately, jc won immunity but decided to take a brand new car as a reward. he gave immunity to rob. charisse decided to go with jc who earlier offered her an alliance with rob.

cris lasted 37 days in the island. he won an individual reward challenge in day 27 where he assigned each one a meal to it. he also won the previous individual immunity challenge where jc gave way for cris to win. he has his ups and downs in the show and was one of the more exciting castaways.

with cris gone, the final three was revealed, jc tiuseco, charisse yacapin and rob sy.

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