Wednesday, March 4, 2009

american idol 8: group 3 performs, the best group among the 3

the third group of 12 semifinalists performed on the american idol stage. this group includes early favorites scott macintyre and lil rounds; group day stand outs nathaniel marshall and kristen mcnamara, teeners taylor vaifanua and ariana afsar and returning contestant felicia barton.

here are my rankings on how they performed:

12. taylor vaifanua - taylor sang a song she already sang in holywood week, and tonight was worse. she sounded nervous and seems to be holding back. and her crying was not helping her either

11. arianna afsar - i liked arianna since the start of the show but her performance tonight was weird. i thought she was not connected with the song but she tried hard. hope she can get to the wildcard round

10. alex wagner trugman - like arianna, i also like alex since the start. his performance tonight was okay but not great. his song at the sing off during the top 36 announcement was better. i think he will go through to the next round.

9. kendall beard - she looks great and sang well tonight. but iit was too forgettable.

8. nathaniel marshall - wrong sng choice. he was shouting at most parts and seems over acting at some point. he was a bit annoying towards the end, but he has the voice

7. von smith - it was an okay performance and he took a risk at that high notes and he hit it. but performing first made me forget him, there are definitely some who can sing better than him
6. scott macintyre - he is definitely a favorite in this competition with his disability and his story and all that. his performance was good but i was not crazy about it. he was off at timing at some parts and some parts even sounded weird.

5. felicia barton - i thought she had no chance of advancing in the contest but this girl proved me wrong. she definitely prepared for this and she sounded great. she even worked the stage well. definitely a good performance.

4. junot joyner - he picked the right song and he proved he had the technique. he sounded really good and the control is definitely there. but i am not liking the all black outfit.

3. kristen mcnamara - despite the outfit that the judges hate, she did well and i really liked her performance. she has a great range and it showed. she is very likeable and has the charisma. she might not be the best singer but her "likeability" factor might pull her through to the finals.

2. jorge nunez - he definitely can sing and he sings from the heart. he sounded great, picked the right song and nailed it. but his facial expression sometimes becomes annoying, especially when his eyes gets big.

1. lil rounds - i would borrow the words of simon to make this short, she is brilliant.

so i think lil, jorge and either kristen or junot deserves to go to the next round because they really performed well tonight. but let us not discount the facts that scott has the sympathy votes, some might also vote for felicia since she really did well tonight and the early favorites might have a good fan base that could vote for them. prediction shows lil, scott and junoit going to the next round.

again, i think lil, jorge and either kristen or junot deserves to go to the next round. on the other hand, the ones who america will pick might be lil, scott and either felicia or kristen. but my guts is saying that it would be lil rounds, scott macintyre and felicia barton who will advance to the finals.

i have been 6 for 6 so far... hope my streak continues...

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