then the results are in, first to receive the news is adam lambert. he did a good job last night, pulling of a surprise with his clean looks and his awesome soft side. i even ranked him my number 1 last night. and he is safe.
next up is matt giraud. he was also good last night, deciding to start with the piano then show that he can do it without the piano. he showed that he was a performer and he was good last night. unfortunately, he is in the bottom three.
next was kris allen. kris has been consistent so far, giving us superb performance and has been choosing the right songs. and he impressed the judges last night with his unique take on a classic song. and with a cliffhanger, he was again safe this week.
then it was time for the results for lil rounds and michael sarver. michael got sick and he was a bit off last night but i didn't think he was the worst last night. lil rounds was a bit shouty last night but it was still good. ryan even pointed out that 2 previous idols sang the same song and were part of the bottom three on the next night. lil was safe and michael is in the bottom three.
the next part was the duet between smokey robinson, this week's mentor for motown and joss stone. it was followed by a motown medley from stevie wonder. stevie was a joy to watch and the remaining idol should learn from him. most of them were singing with him. even the judges (especially kara and paula) were feeling stevie's music.
now, back to the results. allison iraheta was then asked to stand up. he had a great night last night and kara said that who would believe that she was in the bottom three last week? she has that good big voice and it made an impression to america. she is safe.
next up was anoop desai. the judges gave him good reviews but i find him good but not great. he missed some notes, especially on his falsetto and the arrangement was too slow for him. i think his fans has been out voting for him cause he is safe.
it is then results time for early favorite danny gokey. the reviews for him was mixed. simon even called it "amateurish and clumsy". it was not his best performance but i think he is consistently good but i definitely did not like the dancing last night. and america still loves him, he is safe.
it is now down to megan corkrey and scott macintyre. they are the bottom 2 in my rankings last night so i won't be surprised if one of them is in the bottom three tonight. i like megan's voice but she has been choosing the wrong songs. scott has been awkward on the stage and he has not been delivering so far. so the results, megan is safe and scott is in the bottom three.
so it michael, matt and scott who makes up our bottom three.i got 2 out of the three.i honestly believe matt does not deserve to be there. and ryan will send someone to safety, and it is scott. so which leaves us with matt and michael. matt was then sent to safety, leaving matt to sing for his life. i got it wrong again. i predicted to be megan going home tonight. but i know it won't be long before she does.
so michael again sings to impres the judges. he sang better tonight than last night. but the judges decided not to save him, which i think was a good decision despite me liking michael since the auditions. i think he was not good enough. he will still be in the tour and he had a great exposure. hope he lands a record deal after this.
so the idols says good bye tonight to michael sarver.