Tuesday, December 30, 2008
american idol, survivor and the amazing race: new seasons to premiere early 2009

pinoy fear factor: manuel tops sin ronda de eliminacion
the first challenge is named colgado an moviemento. in this challenge, the participantes starts by climbing a ladder onto a revolving beam. just like in a playground contraption called monkey bars, they need to cross from one end of the beam to another. on the other end, they need to detach a flag and the time would stop. 5 of the remaining 7 participantes would advance to the second stunt. of the chicos, only rj was not able to complete the stunt. he fell just halfway off the beam. he is the one who will not continue among the boys. among the chicas, none were able to complete the stunt.savanah was the one who fell first and was also eliminated. as an added reward, four of the participantes were given a chance to talk to their loved ones via a video call. the four who had the chance were manuel, marion, jommy and lj.
the second stunt was called aranas en la cabeza y ratas. in this stunt, the participantes need to put his head inside a container with seven tarantulas on top of their head and in the container. on their left side is a container filled with 15 colored rats and 10 white rats. they need to transfer all the colored ones to the empty container on the lef. the 3 participantes with the most rats or the fastest times wins advances to the final stunt. manuel again top the stunt, completing it in only 1minute and 10 seconds. jommy was 6 seconds slower than marion (1:45 versus 1:51) which led to jommy's elimination. for the chicas, it was janna who was able to advance, finishing the stunt 3 seconds faster that lj.
the third stunt is named helicoptero volando hacia la boya. in this challenge, the participante needs to hang on a helicopter's landing rail. they will release their grip on the rail and they must land near a buoy where a flag is attached. upon getting a flag, they will swim to a platform where a vertical tube is placed. time stops once the flag is attached on the tube. the one with the fastest time wins the reward. manuel was up first. he lands quite far from the buoy but was able to catch time due to his superb swimming skills. he was able to complete the task in 1:17. marion was up next and was able to land dead center at the buoy. unfortunately, he had difficulty climbing up the platform and lost some precious time at completed the task with a time of 1:23. janna was the last one to do the stunt and was far slower than the 2 chicos. she finished with a time of 2:29.
manuel was the one who won the reward, which is PhP50,000 in cash.
shall we dance: chokoleit advances to the final round

chokoleit was able to top all 3 weeks of the comedian batch showdown. he was able to beat 2 other comics, namely dennis padilla and jinky oda who were earlier eliminated. chokoleit now joins joseph bitangcol, who earlier qualified to the finals, in the season finale. they are waiting for 2 more pairs to complete the finals line up.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
survivor philippines: why jc won

Monday, December 15, 2008
survivor philippines: why rob lost

survivor philippines: jc tiuseco is the first pinoy sole survivor
pinoy fear factor: elmer felix is the 5th participante eliminated

this is the elimination challenge. the person with the slowest time will be eliminated.
first to try the stunt is elmer. when the bag was dropped to the pool, the plastic immediately sticks to the participante's body. elmer panicked and gave the signal for the divers to help him. he did not finish the challenge and decided to quit after only 8 seconds in the water.
next up was manuel. manuel was pretty confident about the water part since he is comfortable with water. but he is a bit worried about the handcuffs. when he was dropped to the pool, he first unzip some part of the plastic so some water can get in. he then found the key and unlocked the handcuffed. he then got out of the plastic and reached the fear factor logo. he finished the stunt in and is safe.
last on the challenge is lj. with maxi wishing her luck, she is determined to finish the challenge. when she was dropped to the water, she experienced what elmer experienced. she had a hard time finding the key and she panicked. she then signalled the divers to help her get out. she did not finish the challenge.
manuel was the only participante who finished the challenge and was declared safe. it is now between elmer and lj. the time that they quit would determine who would stay. the one who stayed the longer would be safe. elmer had 8 seconds before quitting and lj had 11 seconds. it was elmer who was eliminated.
this is elmer's third time in the elimination group and his time to go. he was a member of the pump squad since he was recruited last week. he is the fifth participante to be sent home after gail, ram, phem and jose.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
survivor philippines: new twist revealed; philippines is a jury member

pinoy fear factor: marion is safe, manuel, lj and elmer are up for elimination

first up was manuel. manuel did not reflect any kind of discomfort while performing the stunt. he did it quickly but dropped one apple, that did not count. in the end, manuel transferred 19 apples with a time of a little more than 2 minutes.
next up was elmer. elmer did it slower as compared to manuel. he had a hard time seeing the apples since water is coming into his goggles. he failed to transfer all apples to the other container. just like manuel, elmer also dropped one apple to the ground. in the end of the time limit of 5 minutes, he transferred 16 apples to the 2nd container.
third in this challenge was lj. since lj was smaller as compared to the guys, she had a hard time reaching for the apples. she also had difficulty with the water going into the goggles, just like elmer. she also failed to complete the task and was only apple to transfer 4 apples to the 2nd basin after 5 minutes.
the last one to do the stunt was marion. marion was fast in executing this stunt and was able to transfer all 20 apples. he did it in over 3 minutes. since he is the only one that completed the challenge, he was declared safe by ryan and was told to go back to camp.
with marion safe, the 3 that would be up for elimination will be lj, elmer and manuel. this is elmer's 3rd time in the chopping block. lj will be doing the 3rd stunt for the second time and this would be manuel's first try.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
survivor philippines: how i think the jury will vote

survivor philippines: why charisse lost

survivor philippines: charisse becomes last jury member, final two revealed

charisse was really an underdog at the start of the competition. no one expected her to last till the final three. she is a fashionista and kikay. she used har charms and good social skills to compensate on her physical weakness. she was one of the brains that started the girls alliance in jarakay. after that, she played with marlon at the start of the merge and stayed close with the naak tribe. her efforts payed off when after kiko was voted out, jc and rob trusted her over kaye and cris. the alliance with jc was the one that made her last till the final three.
charisse accepted her elimination calmly and said that she was happy whatever happens and wishes the 2 guys good luck in her exit interview. she lasted 38 days in the island and was the last female standing. she was able to win an individual immunity challenge in day 26 and was the only one in the final seven castaway that did not get to enjoy any of the rewards.
with charisse gone, survivor philippine's final 2 was revealed. the final two are basketball hottie jc tiuseco and loverboy rob sy. the 2 guys will battle it out for 3 million pesos in the last tribal council.
pinoy fear factor: aspiring chef jose sarasola is the fourth participante eliminated

survivor philippines: rob wins last individual immunity challenge

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
shall we dance: jinky oda eliminated

Sunday, December 7, 2008
survivor philippines: why cris lost

so why did cris lose?
first, he was a physical strength. he is strong and has proven himself that he can keep up with jc in all of the challenges. he has won a reward challenge (spear throwing challenge) and an individual immunity challenge (the balancing challenge). being a physical threat is a ticket to elimination in survivor. of course, if someone can beat you in a challenge, you would want him out the first time he can be eliminated.
second, he lost the trust of his alliance. having stabbed kiko rustia in the back previously, cris (together with kaye) has lost the trust of rob and jc. he made things worst when he voted for charisse in the 12th tribal council instead of kaye, who he said he was voting. jc and rob's trust never came back after that and they decided to let him go.
third, he made a strategic move too late in the game and did not followed it up with another. yes, he was able to eliminate kiko with the help of the ex-jarakays but he did not followed it up with another strategic play. he then went back to the naak alliance, voting out vern and marlon in the next 2 tribal council, not sensing that rob & jc are still watching his every move. he simply played the game too late.
fourth, he was not a strategic player at all. he went to the game without a game plan and failed to adapt to the complexities of the game. going against strategic players like charisse, rob and jc; he was really not on their league and he was simply outplayed by the three.
if i had to pick the main reason why he was voted off, maybe it would be lack of strategy and lost of trust. he played the game too late and he was not able to bring back the trust of his tribemates. he was not able to adapt to the complexity of the game but he really played it up until the end.
pinoy fear factor: lj, jommy and jose are in danger of elimination

marion was up first. he did it very quickly but after the challenge, he was all red and his face was very itchy. all the other contestants experienced the same thing and most of them complained of the scent of the cockroach. elmer was the most unfortunate one, since during the challenge, he was able to swallow a cockroach. savanah's face was a bit swollen and she was numb at the mouth area. jommy had the hardest time in the challenge since he confessed that he was really afraid of cockroaches.
despite having swallowed a cockroach, elmer topped the challenge, having transferred 543 cockroaches. coming in second was rj with 543 and marion with 345 cockroaches. among the girls, janna got the most cockroaches with 327 followed by savanah with 325. the three that will be competing in the last stunt are lj (318), jommy (305) and jose (295).
survivor philippines: cris is the 7th member of the jury

just before the immunity challenge, cris was talking with charisse of a possible alliance and vote off rob. charisse was the swing vote since jc and rob are voting together but charisse could side with cris to force a tie. unfortunately, jc won immunity but decided to take a brand new car as a reward. he gave immunity to rob. charisse decided to go with jc who earlier offered her an alliance with rob.
cris lasted 37 days in the island. he won an individual reward challenge in day 27 where he assigned each one a meal to it. he also won the previous individual immunity challenge where jc gave way for cris to win. he has his ups and downs in the show and was one of the more exciting castaways.
with cris gone, the final three was revealed, jc tiuseco, charisse yacapin and rob sy.
Friday, December 5, 2008
survivor philippines: will the survivor car curse haunt jc?

looking at the table, it is clear that out of 13 season with a car reward, all car winners never won as sole survivor. even yau man who tried to avoid the curse in survivor fiji by giving the car to another castaway (dreamz) did not escape the curse.
last night in survivor philippines, jc tiuseco chose to keep the car rather than keep immunity. will the car curse haunt jc? will the curse reach the philippine version of the show? let us watch the finale next week to see if the curse still holds true.
survivor philippines: jc wins new car, gives rob immunity

after they finish all 4, they will climb a vertical wall and cross a cargo net. at the end of the net, they will run to a sand pit and retrieve 7 blocks. they will place all blocks on a table. each block contains thai symbols for the days of the weeks. they need to arrange the blocks in the correct order. if they are wrong. they need to go to a cheat table and go back again to rearrange the block. if its already correct, the castaway would raise his flag. first castaway to finish wins immunity.
in the first challenge, jc still got the early lead on the ball, followed closely by rob & cris. jc was the first one on the second station and was also the first to finish. on the eating challenge, cris finish first and was the first in the wall climb and cargo net but jc quickly caught up with him. they were neck to neck in the sandpit. rob also caught up. while the men were in the sand pit, charisse slowly but surely caught up with them and eventually joined them in the sand pit.
the blocks proved to be hard to find. jc and cris already have 6 a piece. rob already has 5 and charisse has 4. it is still everybody's game up to this point. the castaways was fighting not only the scorching sun but also the pain of digging for a long time. with luck on his side, jc found his last block. he then ran to the cheat table. rob stopped digging, and just watched jc. cris was teasing him that he only depended on jc and was confident that he will not be voted off.
jc came back to his table and arranged the blocks. paolo checked and confirmed it correct. jc then raised his flag and paolo declared him the winner.
to the castaways' surprise, paolo revealed that jc would have a choice. he can keep immunity and be safe in the tribal council or he can chose to keep a brand new car and give up immunity. if he keeps immunity, he needs to give the car to someone else. jc chose to keep the car and give rob the immunity necklace.
will jc's choice of the car payoff? being a big threat physically and strategically, he is now vulnerable to being voted off the island. also, the us version of survivor has this thing called "car curse" since all the winners of the car challenge all failed to become the sole survivor. will ujc fall to this curse?
pinoy fear factor: manuel tops another challenge, elmer now a member of pump squad

survivor philippines: paolo bediones reveals details about the finale and reunion show
PEP: Paolo Bediones reveals details about Survivor finale
First time na ginawa ni Paolo Bediones na todong nag-share ng blessings sa entertainment press kahapon, December 2, sa Windmills & Rainforest restaurant sa Sct. Borromeo St., Quezon City. Ito ay bilang bahagi ng kanyang year-long 10th anniversary sa showbiz."
Kasama na rin sa celebration natin ang pasasalamat ko sa entertainment press dahil naging mabait kayo sa akin sa loob ng 10 years ko sa business. Yes, may mga times na may intriga, may accusations sa akin. But still, naging mabait kayo sa akin, hindi n'yo ako pinahirapan," nakangiting wika ni Paolo.
Maaga pa lamang ay nasa venue na si Paolo upang i-check ang last details ng affair. Kinuha na ng PEP (Philippine Entertainment Portal) ang pagkakataon upang kausapin si Paolo nang solo.
SURVIVOR UPDATE. Humingi kami kay Paolo ng update sa finale ng Survivor Philippines sa December 12 na gaganapin sa Studio 7 ng bagong GMA Network Studios sa Jamboree St., Quezon City.
"Magsisilbing reunion ito ng 18 castaways," simula ni Paolo. "Sa first part, ipapakita ang eight members ng Jury at ang final two. Tinapos na naming lahat ang challenges sa Thailand at pagkatapos bumoto ng Jury, naka-seal na ang name ng winner. Hindi rin nila alam kung sino ang nanalo at kahit ako ay hindi ko alam kung sino. During the finals, a few seconds bago ko i-announce ang winner, saka ko lang malalaman kung sino ang tatanggap ng three-million cash prize.
"May ipapakita rin kaming recap ng mga nangyari sa isla during the challenges. Ipapakita rin ang pagtatalo-talo ng Jury, na kinu-question nila kung bakit ‘yon ang napiling final two. It will be an emotional night dahil everyone joined for the same purpose, pero isa lang ang mananalo.
"Pagkatapos ng grand finals, magte-taping na rin kami para sa reunion show na mapapanood sa Sunday, December 14. Ito naman yung reaction ng mga naunang lumabas na castaways matapos nilang mapanood kung ano ang nangyari sa show, at kung ano ang nabago sa kanila pagkatapos nilang sumali sa Survivor Philippines."
Sa kasalukuyan, apat na lang ang natitirang castaways sa Survivor Philippines: sina Charis Yacapin, Cris Cartagenas, JC Tiuseco, at Rob Sy.
Bilang host ng Survivor Philippines, may nabago rin ba kay Paolo?
"Yes," sagot niya. "Ngayon, mas gusto ko ang simple life. Na-appreciate ko ngayon yung mga small things na hindi ko naisip na magagawa ko. It's true na maayos akong nakakatulog sa isang bunk doon, na kasama ko ang may 91 all-Filipino production crew ng show. May bathroom, may electric fan, pero walang special things dahil wala namang hotel doon. Resort ‘yon na ginamit ng mga castaways."
Doon ko na-realize na dapat ay hindi tayo mag-aspire ng mga bagay na hindi naman natin kailangan, na dapat tayong mag-share ng blessings natin sa ibang tao. Doon, nagkaroon din ako ng Bible study sa grupo. Malaki ang naitulong no'n sa amin sa loob ng 45 days na nag-stay kami sa Thailand.
source: http://www.gmanews.tv/story/137291/PEP-Paolo-Bediones-reveals-details-about-Survivor-finale
survivor philippines: is season 2 a sure thing already?
Special guest sa okasyon ang 10 castaways ng Survivor Philippines na naunang na-vote out at kasama sila sa game. Present sina Kiko Austria, Gigit, Patani, Emerson, Marlon Carmen, John Lopez, Kaye Alipio, Vern Domingo, mommy Niña at Vhev Gador.
survivor philippines: rob wins individual reward challenge
reward would be an overnight stay and massage treatment ina spa in krabi.
when the challenge started, jc put on an early lead, blazing through the rope bridge. rob and cris was pretty much even and not far behind and charisse was running last. jc got to the fire station first and had his fire going as rob & cris reached the station. he attempted to light up the wick but his fire was not enough. it was pretty much even at this point with all the survivors trying to get their fire going. rob tried lifting the fire, then cris but both failed to light the wick. jc tried again and was again unsuccessful. rob had an idea to put sticks on a vertical position, so when it burns, it would reach the wick. rob tried again and was able to light the wick.
paolo declared rob the winner. he also informed rob that he would be able to choose another castaway to share the reward with. without second thoughts, rob chose jc. charisse and cris was told to go back to camp while rob & jc was transported to krabi to enjoy their reward.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
survivor philippines: why zita lost

first, zita is a physical threat to the other castaways. she is the strongest female left in the game and she has proven that she can challenge any of the boys in the challenges. she has won a reward challenge and an individual immunity challenge. she can always beat anyone in any challenge.
second, she trusted the naak alliance too much. she trusted jc and rob too much that she did not think that they can blindside her. she was definitely not expecting to be voted out that night, since the other naak members promised her that they will tell her that it was her time to go.
third, she is not a strategic player at all. unlike charisse, kaye or cris, zita never made a strategic move in the game. most of the time, she votes out the person that her naak tribemate says. she never argued about it. being left in the island after a reward challenge with the ex-jarakay members, she had the opportunity to swing over and make her move but she did not.
fourth, she is too likeable. being likeable is not a good thing towards the end of survivor. from having the numbers, strategy shift to who i can beat in the final tribal council. if you would bring zita to the final two, she would definitely beat you. she has the sympathy votes of the jury, being an old lady trying to raise her children by herself. she never had any grudge while in the island, except probably for marlon. the jury likes her and would definitely vote for her.
i think the main reason for her loss was lack of strategy and being too likeable. in the endgame, its not about loyalty or kindness anymore, its strategizing who i want to keep and who i can beat in the last challenges and in the final tribal council. but she played the game well and with integrity. for that, i really admire her and hope she would be included in the survivor philippines all stars, if the season will push through in the coming years.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
survivor philippines: zita becomes sixth jury member

zita lasted 35 days in the island and has been tagged as one of the strongest contender for the sole survivor title among the castaways. she had previously won an individual reward challenge and won the first individual immunity challenge. she was a member of the naak alliance but was voted out by her allies. she works the hardest at camp and has proved herslf in several challenges.
zita was obviously disappointed of the result of the tribal council and was unaware that she was to be voted out next. in her exit interview, she was crying and she said that she was surprised that the others voted her out. she said that it was an agreement that if it was her turn to go, they would inform her beforehand. she also reminded them of karma, that if they will do go, they will receive something good and otherwise.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
survivor philippines: cris wins individual immunity challenge

all 5 castaways were pretty much even in the first hour of the competition. after one hour, fatigue from standing for an hour starts to set in. all boys decided to lean on the frame and both girls decided to sit on the plank. the boys are now fighting back aches and the girls are fighting numbness on their butt. after approximately one hour and 20 minutes, zita lost her concentration and fell off the plank.
after 1 hour and 30minutes, when it was time to release one foot from the plank, rob fell off and was eliminated. on his interview, he said that he threw the challenge since he observed that charisse was very comfortable with her position and jc and cris would definitely last long. it was a wise decision to just watch since he feels comfortable with his alliance.
no one of the three remaining survivors budged after 4 hours on the plank and it was already dark in the area. fatigue is really setting in. switching to a more comfortable position, charisse lost her balance and fell off the plank after staying for 4 hours and 10 minutes. it was a battle between the 2 former naak members. jc was offering something to cris through some hand signals. jc then stepped down from the plank and gave cris immunity.
this is the first individual immunity win for cris. of the 5 remining castaways, only rob has no individual immunity win. the immunity made cris's 2 votes due to the black pearl curse useless. all plans to vote him out will also be cancelled. who will be voted out next with all these developments and the surprise tribal council which was held on the same night of the challenge?
pinoy fear factor: phoemela barranda eliminated in tercera ronda de eliminacion

in this challenge, the participantes need to ride a bicycle and pass through 5 evenly spaced 6 mm thick glass and break them. the participante with the least number of broken glass will be eliminated. in case of ties, the on with the shorter distance that the bicycle traveled (basis is the back wheel) will be eliminated.
being the bottom 3 in the previous challenge, jose, jommy and phem are the only ones competing in this challenge, the others are already sfe. first to try the stunt was jommy. he easily breaks the first glass but failed to break the second glass. he sets the bar low and the 2 other contestants only needs to break 2 glasses to be safe.
fresh from being bitten twice by snakes in the previous challenge, jose tried the challenge after jommy. having severe back pains as result of the snake bites, jose poured all his energy and managed to finish and break all 5 glasses before falling off his bike. he is now safe.
the last one to try was phem. phem already admitted that she is not good at biking and she has not practiced it. she started slowly and bumped into the first glass straigh on, failing to break it. since she failed to break any glass, phem was eliminated from the competition.
her elimination came after her first try of the second stunt, having gained immunity in the first stunt of the first 2 rounds of elimination. in her exit interview, she said that her greatest disappointment was that she failed to beat fellow participante jommy, who is perceived to be very arrogant. she also wanted a better ending to his stint in the show because she was really disappointed that she failed to break any of the glass in the stunt.
shall we dance: comedians make up second batch, dennis padilla eliminated on first week
as expected, their numbers were injected with funny scenes and good pinch of humor but the judges seem to see the lack of basic ballroom steps and expect more of the dancing the next time. but all were unanimous that all four pairs did well in their projection.
chokoleit topped the night with a score of 8.67. candy pangilinan took second place with a far 7.67 score. jinky oda was given a grade of 7.50 and dennis padilla got the lowest score of 7.50. most were shock to learn that they were immediately eliminated since last batch, the first episode was a non-elimination episode. dennis accepted his fate lightly and vowed to enroll in ballroom dancing classes and continue dancing.
survivor philippines: kaye and marlon in showbiz central, kiko and nikki in all star k
the two latest cast offs, marlon carmen and kaye alipio first guested in gma 7's showbiz talkshow, showbiz central. kaye confirmed that she had already talked with kiko regarding the incidence where they decided to vote against him. they are okay now. marlon, on the other hand, answered the issue on his detractors. he said that he is not bothered by them, because if they don't like him, he also does not like them. kaye was also asked on what she thinks of marlon, she quickly answered that marlon is really the opposite of what we saw on tv. she also revealed that among the cast aways, marlon is the only one that she trusts and he is the only one that knows her secrets.
in primetime, castoffs nikki and kiko joined in all star k! the one million peso videoke challenge. for their bonifacio day episode, they featured contestants who are tagged as palaban which includes inspector corpus of the lie detector test in showbiz central, dj mo twister, carlene aguilar, gay activist dan and starstruck alumni rhea nakpil. kiko lasted until the fourth round and nikki was the last one eliminated. carlene aguilar went on to win the episode. other castoffs that has joined the show was chev, gigit, nina and patani.