Sunday, November 9, 2008

celebrity duets season 2: bayani fernando is declared the season's winner

after 12 weeks of intense competition, mmda chairman bayani fernando became the champion of the second season of celebrity duets. bayani fernando bested the 2 other finalists designer jc buendia and basketball player turned comedian turned politician joey marquez. previously eliminated contestants were fitness guru and host cory quirino, former miss international melanie marquez, celebrity chef jl cang, soccer player phil younghusband, and beauty queen carlene aguilar.

on the last night of competition, each finalist sang a duet with their favorite partner that they have previously sang with. bayani fernando partnered with pilita corrales, joey marquez sang with kempee de leon and jc buendia chose allan k. in the second round, they each sang with a new partner. bayani sang with basil valdez, jc sang with jonalyn viray and joey sang with pops fernandez.

but in the end, it was bayani fernando's text votes that was on top, earning him the top spot. as the winner, he will receive 1 millio pesos; half of which will go to his chosen charities; caritas manila and child house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can you feature singers from lounges who also does duets?please feature chantique duo from edsa shangrila... we want to see them on tv..theyre great,believe me...


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