Thursday, November 20, 2008

survivor philippines: jc wins fourth individual immunity challenge

this week's individual immunity challenge is a three stage challenge. first, all remaining 7 cast aways will run to their respective stations and answer 5 questions. all questions are answerable by a number and are about the past challenges. once completed, they will perform the required mathematical operation and find the scroll with the answer. if the answer is correct, they will get a metal key. if wrong, a wood key will be inside the scroll. they will open a lock and launch a flag. first three cast aways will advance to the next round.

in the second stage, the cast away need to finish a rope course. after that, they need to answer another series of questions just like in the first round. after they launch their flag, they need to transport 3 pails of rocks from the starting line to the finish point using only 3 poles and a flat board. first person to cross the finish line wins immunity.

before the start of the challenge, paolo showed them a 10 second message from home. for charisse, it was his brother and mother. for jc and marlon, messages came from their girlfriends. for kaye and cris, it was from their mothers. for rob, it was his brother and for zita, it's from her bestfriend. as an additional reward, the winner will hear the whole message.

all castaways had a hard time figuring out the answers to the questions on the first station. it was kaye who first answered all questions correctly. she is the first one to do the rope course. she was halfway to the course when jc finished the questions, and seconds after, it was marlon who qualified. the other cast aways are eliminated.

on the rope course, kaye finished first followed closely by jc. marlon finished the course quickly and all of them proceeded to the 2nd set of questions. it was again kaye who finished first and jc followed soon. kaye had a hard time pulling those stones and jc took over the lead. jc never looked back and eventually won immunity.

paolo then informed jc that he can choose two other castaways that will also watch their whole message. jc chose cris and marlon. as an additional reward, jc had a chance to call his girlfriend in the philippines which was cuortesy of smart.

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