during the challenge, it was evident that the crabs was a lot faster to do than eyes. in eyes, you still need to find the eyes that was hidden beneath lots of crabs. even with the numbers disadvantage (10 vs 5), it was definitely an easier task. here are the result of the challenge:

janna won the challenge. the women are kicking the men's butts. 2 challenges in a row that the women won. the three up for elimination are gail, marion and elmer.
the third task is named as escape de auto subacuatico. the challenge starts with the participante on the driver's seat of the car and a doll on the backseat. the car would be fully submerged in water. on a signal, the participante will go out of the car and open the back door, he must get the doll, go out of the water and put the doll on the designated place. the one with the slowest time will be eliminated.
marion was up first and was quick on doing the challenge. i think he did it in less than 50 seconds. the two other participantes will try the stunt tonight where we will know who the first participante to be sent home is.
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