in this challenge, the participantes need to cross a rotating barrel suspended 5.00m above water. they need to get flags attached to the barrel and get all eight flags in order. the most flags they get, the higher points they get. in case of ties, they will resort to time quotient.
veterinarian elmer went up first and only got 1 flag. marion soon followed after he agrees to go first before jommy, also getting 1 flag. bikini contest winner gail then followed and got no flags. the other participantes got worried after gail's face seemed to hit the barrels when she fell to the water. but it was nice to know that she did not hit the barrel and she is okay.
businessman manuel, teacher lj, dancer savannah, aspiring chef jose and basketball player ram each got 1 flag after their turn. aspiring chef jose actually got up to the 3rd flag but missed the second flag. since the challenge rules says that the flags should be retrieved in order, only 1 flag counted for him.
next on the challenge was phem, who seemed to be an underdog. but her steady stance and good balance proved to be her advantage and was the only participante to get 2 flags. model jommy soon followed but only got 1 flag and eventually fell into the water.
rj was the last male to do the task and expectations were high for him to finish the the task. its his first time to experience fear factor, since he said that he has never watched the show before. but unfortunately, he failed and did not get any flags. rj got emotional after the task and even cried, after realizing that he had failed to accomplish the task for his family and he will surely battle it out for elimination.
all of the participantes that already finished the task complained of the cold weather that affected their performance. some said they really froze and could not move once they are on the barrel.
only 1 participante was left to do the task, ex-wowowee host janna dominguez.
a sneak peek on the next challenge was also shown. the consequence for the worst performer in the first challenge will deal with small crabs. the second challenge will be an escape challenge that will involve a car to be submerged in water.
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