Friday, April 24, 2009

survivor tocantins: tyson apostol is eliminated

for the second week in a row, blindside is the name of the game insurvivor tocantins: the brazilian highlands. utah native tyson apostol is voted off the show, which was completely unexpected to him and two other castaways.

the episode started with sierra completely surprised of brendan's elimination last week. she was so sure of their so-called exile island alliance with the old jalapao tribe. they have decided to vote out coach but the complete opposite happened, brendan was voted out and he didnot use his hidden immunity idol.

sensing that she is in grave danger to be eliminated next, she talks to tyson to take her again and promised to be loyal to the old timbira again. but as expected, tyson hates her and sierra cannot convince her.

at the reward challenge, the 8 remaining castaways were divided into 2 groups of four. the red team are jt, tyson, erin and debbie while the blue team are stephen, coach, taj and sierra. in pairs, they will get big puzzle pieces from the trees and place it to their proper spots. after retrieveing all four pieces and putting them in place, the teams will flip or rotate the pieces so that the holes will align and they will see the vowels.

when they get the vowels, they will arrange it together with the given consonant to form a phrase. first team to get the phrase wins reward. reward will be a feast and they will be entertained by local capoeira dancers, a local martial arts. they will also send one member of the losing team to exile island.

the retrieval of the pieces were neck to neck until the red team had a slight advantage in the last piece. but red team's team work proved supeior when they arranged the puzzle pieces first, getting the vowels. once they were arranging the letters, it was debbie who suggested the word feast and they immediately got it. the blue team was not even close to getting the vowels. red team wins immunity and sent stephen to exile island.

at the reward, the four enjoyed the feast and the dance. the dancers even invited them to dance with them. debbie were doing back flips and the others were doing cartwheels here and there. after dancing, erin was shown vomiting after eating and dancing, talking about embarrassing moments on tv.

at exile island, stephen discovered that there is no new idol in play.

at camp, sierra is still finding a way to stay in the game. now, talking with debbie. she gets points for her fighting spirit and perseverance.

at immunity challenge, the castaways are given an option whether to play or not. if they decide not to play, they will eat pizza during the duration of the challenge. three opted to eat the pizzas rather than participating. they are jt, stephen and coach. wow! the girls are rocking and all decided to play.

the challenge is that the castaways will slide pucks across a playing board and they need to get the pucks nearest the x mark. the one closest to the x after 3 rounds wins immunity. the first round was just a feel of the board, almost all of them are far from the x. at the second round, all threw near the target. at the last round, they were simply hitting each other's targets and taking the lead. so debbie was the last to throw during this round with sierra leading. but her puck was nearer to the x mark so debbie wins immunity.

with debbie winning immunity, the old jalapao tribe saw the opportunity to vote for tyson. after winning the last 2 immunity challenge, he is simply a threat. sierra is in and they talked to erin about it. she agrees and they hope she is really solid to it.

at tribal council, sierra emphasized that she has a big target in her back. jeff on the other hand pointed out how big a physical threat tyson is. then the votes were casted. the old jalapao tribe did not play the immunity idol. so, the votes:


another blindside! tyson is voted out of the game. the old jalapao tribe, sierra and erin voted for tyson. it was a complete surprise to tyson. brendan was happy at the votes and sierra was visibly happy.

well, that is survivor, one day you are top, the next day you are out (just like project runway...)

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