Tuesday, April 21, 2009

survivor tocantins: brendan is eliminated

after 24 days in the island, brendann synott became the 7th person eliminated and the first jury member of survivor tocantins: the brazilian highlands. the votes were split between him, sierra and coach, but brendan got the most votes.

in the reward challenge, the remaining castaways were divided into three teams of three; black, red and white. the black team was composed of jt, brendan and debbie. the white team is composed of sierra, errin and stephen. the red team is made up of taj, coach and tyson. they will alternately take turns of throwing metal balls and try to break the other teams' tiles. once all the teams' tiles are broken, they are eliminated. team with the last tile standing wins reward.

red looks like the team to beat since they have coach and tyson. sensing these, the two other teams immediately targeted the red tiles. this strategy paid off and the first team eliminated was the red team. it goes down to a nail biting showdown between black and white team. but in the end, the black team wins reward. their reward is a white water arfting trip down rio dovo and a picnic of sandwiches, chicken, brownies, chips and watermelon.

at this trip, jt really enjoyed the rafting part and he looks so happy. he also bonded with brendan so much and jt told him that he can be in their alliance with sierra, stephen and taj (which he already knows). jt really changed brendan's mind since brendan already wanted him out next.

at the immunity challenge, the castaways will navigate through a rope course. they are attached to a rope that is entangled over and under a wooden obstacle. they need to go from one end to the other by climbing, going over and under the wooden obstacle. first three to finish the first part will advance to the final round, which is more complicated, with a three level obstacle already. first to finish the course wins immunity.

the castaways started the race pretty even but towards the middle, it was evident that only four are in contention to advance. thes four are tyson, brendan, jt and sierra. first to finish is jt, followed by tyson. so the last place was contended by brendan and sierra, with brendan getting the last spot in the finals.

in the finals, brendan got the early lead, breezing through the three level course easily. tyson is not far behind but jt seems to lag much. but towards the end, brandan's rope got tangled up and tyson got up to him. he eventually took the lead and finished the course. tyson wins individual immunity back to back!

so at camp, planning on who to vote is very much evident. brendan is planning to vote out coach and coach is planning to eliminate brendan. eventhough the old timbira has the numbers, they are not sticking together and is working to eliminate each other. the power is now with the old jalapao, since who ever they decide to vote with will be safe.

at tribal council, brendan revealed that he has the hidden immunity idol but he decided not to use the idol. in the end, the old jalapao mebers decided to vote with coach. they split the vote between brendan and sierra. four voted for brendan, three for sierra and their votes went to coach.

an unexpected twist, blindsided again... brendan is eliminated!

brendan will be the first member of the jury and will be one of the few who will determine who will win the title of ultimate survivor.

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