the episode also featured the merge between the jalapao and the timbira tribes. a small feast was prepared for the merge, which prompted them to get a new tribe name and wear the new buff. the tribe color is now green. they all decided to the new tribe name, forza.
the merged tribe will now stay at the old timbira camp. when the old jalapao came over, they saw that they had a better shelter and they have to improve it. sensing that they are in trouble due to tyhe numbers, the jalapao boys worked around camp.
new alliances are also being formed after the merge. coach has approached jt to watch each other's backs and they are joined by stephen, debbie, tyson and erin. they are plotting to vote out brandon since they think brendan is manipulative and they think he has the immunity idol.
joe and erin, who were the last to go to the exile island, checked out the tree mail idol to check if the idol is still there. they found the compartment empty and they knew that either sierra or brendan has it, since they are the only other 2 timbira members who has been to exile island.
but joe has another problem of his own. he has infected his wound which was just below his left knee. it has been swollen and red and he has been limping around camp. many castaways has noticed this and are thinking of voting him off.
at the immunity challenge, tribal immunity idol is no longer at play and they are now playing for individual immunity. this week's challenge is a simple one. each castaway will cling on the pole and they must stay on the pole as long as they can. last person on his or her pole wins immunity.
the challenged seems to be simple but it proved to be very hard. at the start of the challenge, stephen and joe immediately struggled. less than 5 minutes in the challenge, stephen bailed out and joe followed soon. jeff noticed joe's wound and asked him if it was okay. then several other castaways struggled. taj, brendan and erin fell off their pole consecutively. jt also was struggling and fell off after about 20 minutes. only 4 castaways are left, all former timbira members. coach was the next one to fall, followed soon by sierra.
the challenge is now between tyson and debbie. both are struggling. debbie's arms are already shaking and tyson is holding on the pole by his toes. but soon after, debbie can hold on no longer and released her hold. tyson wins the first individual immunity of the season.
jeff asked the castaways to leave but asked joe to be left behind so that the medical team can look at his wound. the doctor told him that it was infected and the doctor feared that the infection is too close to his bone and it might worsen if he stays and played on. worst case is he might lose his leg.
back at camp, plotting begins, with the old timbira tribe meeting near the camp fire. coach and tyson are making brendan and sierra think that they are voting for jt so that they would not have a clue that they are voting for brandon. when coach told jt about this, jt feared for his life. if brandon plays the immunity idol, he might be in danger. so he and stephen asked tyson to split the vote between brendan and sierra.
stephen also asked taj if she was willing to vote for brendan and explained to her the whole set up. they are also wondering why brendan are not making signs of who they would vote since they had the exile island cross tribal alliance already. so taj said that she is willing to do it. so everything seems to be in place and it looks like either brendan or sierra is going home.
but jeff showed up at the camp. he said that joe is not with him and the medical team already decided that he cannot continue on in the game. he is now being lifted via helicopter to be treated and he will be fine. taj asked jeff to say to him that they all love joe and they miss him. jeff informed them that there will be no tribal council anymore.
tyson was crushed because his plan to eliminate the strong player brendan has been destroyed. anything can happen in the next three days and things will definitely change. in the preview, the so called exile island alliance was showing plotting against coach and coach is doing the same against brendan. i think either coach or brendan will go home next week.
what is unclear right now is that, will joe still participate as a jury member or not? hope he still continue as a jury member, just as what they did in a previous season. bruce was pulled out of the game due to stomach aches and he still continued to join the jury in survivor panama: the exile island.
image is from: tv.yahoo.com/show/42547/photos/10
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