Thursday, April 30, 2009

american idol 8: america votes out matt giraud

tonight, only four idols will survive. i think this is the best top 5 ever, all five having superb singing skills and last night's show proved this fact. all had a great night and i think it was the best night of the season yet.

the show started with the group song and it was okay. i enjoyed the disco group performance more than this week's song. it's danny and allison's birthday. the idols were shown baking cakes for the celebrants which somehow ended with food fight. the house was a mess and ryan handed danny a gift, the bill of the house cleaning amounting to six thousand dollars.

then, the results. the first four idols were grouped into pairs. matt and kris were in a pair and were in the left side of the stage. the other pair was allison and danny. adam, who is the only one left, was made to choose which group is safe. adam thinks it is danny and allison. and he is right, but unfortunately, adam is in the bottom three; with matt and kris.

so we have our bottom three, matt giraud, kris allen and adam lambert. kara is surprised. but i think this is the correct bottom three. they really were the bottom three in terms of performance last night.

then, it is natalie cole and season 5's winner taylor hick's time to perform on the idol stage. i won't expound since i switched channels.

then back to the results. ryan is sending back one idol to safety and will be part of the top 4. and he is none other than, kris allen. whew! i really like kris and i am happy that he is safe. i think america still got the right bottom two.

it is now this week's mentor jamie fox's turn to perform. again, i switched channels since i am only up for the results.

and it's results time. and the person going home is... matt giraud.

i think america got it right. considering that it's matt's third life in the competition. after getting the boot in the semifinals group 2, he was given a chance to get into the finals via the wildcard. after that, he has been a member of the bottom three a couple of times. two weeks ago, he got the lowest number of votes and he was saved by the judges. i think he does not have the chance of winning the competition.

so we have the final four, danny gokey, allison iraheta, kris allen and adam lambert.

american idol 8: dialidol predicts the top 5 once again predicts who will go home today in american idol. with all the 5 remaining idols giving good performances last night, here is their prediction:

they did not save anyone from elimination , all the 5 idols are in danger of being eliminated tonight. the busiest phone line was for danny gokey, with adam lambert not far behind him. their bottom three are allison iraheta, kris allen and matt giraud, with matt's phoneline being the least busy among the five.

Friday, April 24, 2009

survivor tocantins: tyson apostol is eliminated

for the second week in a row, blindside is the name of the game insurvivor tocantins: the brazilian highlands. utah native tyson apostol is voted off the show, which was completely unexpected to him and two other castaways.

the episode started with sierra completely surprised of brendan's elimination last week. she was so sure of their so-called exile island alliance with the old jalapao tribe. they have decided to vote out coach but the complete opposite happened, brendan was voted out and he didnot use his hidden immunity idol.

sensing that she is in grave danger to be eliminated next, she talks to tyson to take her again and promised to be loyal to the old timbira again. but as expected, tyson hates her and sierra cannot convince her.

at the reward challenge, the 8 remaining castaways were divided into 2 groups of four. the red team are jt, tyson, erin and debbie while the blue team are stephen, coach, taj and sierra. in pairs, they will get big puzzle pieces from the trees and place it to their proper spots. after retrieveing all four pieces and putting them in place, the teams will flip or rotate the pieces so that the holes will align and they will see the vowels.

when they get the vowels, they will arrange it together with the given consonant to form a phrase. first team to get the phrase wins reward. reward will be a feast and they will be entertained by local capoeira dancers, a local martial arts. they will also send one member of the losing team to exile island.

the retrieval of the pieces were neck to neck until the red team had a slight advantage in the last piece. but red team's team work proved supeior when they arranged the puzzle pieces first, getting the vowels. once they were arranging the letters, it was debbie who suggested the word feast and they immediately got it. the blue team was not even close to getting the vowels. red team wins immunity and sent stephen to exile island.

at the reward, the four enjoyed the feast and the dance. the dancers even invited them to dance with them. debbie were doing back flips and the others were doing cartwheels here and there. after dancing, erin was shown vomiting after eating and dancing, talking about embarrassing moments on tv.

at exile island, stephen discovered that there is no new idol in play.

at camp, sierra is still finding a way to stay in the game. now, talking with debbie. she gets points for her fighting spirit and perseverance.

at immunity challenge, the castaways are given an option whether to play or not. if they decide not to play, they will eat pizza during the duration of the challenge. three opted to eat the pizzas rather than participating. they are jt, stephen and coach. wow! the girls are rocking and all decided to play.

the challenge is that the castaways will slide pucks across a playing board and they need to get the pucks nearest the x mark. the one closest to the x after 3 rounds wins immunity. the first round was just a feel of the board, almost all of them are far from the x. at the second round, all threw near the target. at the last round, they were simply hitting each other's targets and taking the lead. so debbie was the last to throw during this round with sierra leading. but her puck was nearer to the x mark so debbie wins immunity.

with debbie winning immunity, the old jalapao tribe saw the opportunity to vote for tyson. after winning the last 2 immunity challenge, he is simply a threat. sierra is in and they talked to erin about it. she agrees and they hope she is really solid to it.

at tribal council, sierra emphasized that she has a big target in her back. jeff on the other hand pointed out how big a physical threat tyson is. then the votes were casted. the old jalapao tribe did not play the immunity idol. so, the votes:


another blindside! tyson is voted out of the game. the old jalapao tribe, sierra and erin voted for tyson. it was a complete surprise to tyson. brendan was happy at the votes and sierra was visibly happy.

well, that is survivor, one day you are top, the next day you are out (just like project runway...)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

american idol 8: double elimination for lil rounds and anoop desai

after matt giraud was saved last week, a double elimination was done this week, with the disco theme in play. they are singing for apots in the top 5 and keep their dreams alive in the 8th season of american idol.

the results show started with the group performance. it was choreographed by no other than american idol judge paula abdul. it was one of the best performance yet this season but the camera was a bit too playful and the idols did not execute some of the blockings well. but over-all it was good.

now, its the results. lil rounds gets her results first. i ranked lil as one of my bottom three picks last night. she was okay last night but not great. as expected, lil rounds' journey in american idol ends tonight. she sings for the last time and got everyone on their feet.

the next number was from some of the disco legends. it was a medley of some songs that i can't remember so i was not able to get their names.

back to results. the next to get the result is kris allen. kris gave the best performance last night and i think the judges agrees to that. despite being last in the dialidol rankings, kris allen is safe. next up is adam lambert. adam was one of my bottom three last night in terms of performance but his fans would keep him alive. and he is safe. danny gokey was next and was also safe. looks like the favorites have their fans voting for them.

next up is anoop desai. anoop got the pimp spot last night bt he did okay. his arrangement is too slow for me and it will be no surprise if he is in the bottom three. anoop is in the bottom three and steps to the left side of the stage.

so its between matt giraud and allison iraheta. both of them are in the middle of my rankings alst night. i think allison did better compared to matt. i predicted matt to be in the bottom three. but after being saved last week, his fans might have realized that they need to vote for him. so allison was in the bottom three.

so the next to be eliminated is either allison iraheta or anoop desai.

next to perform is david archuleta. he seems to have gone thinner as compared to the time he was in idol. he still has it and worked the stage out. he sounded tentative at times but he still rocks.

so back to results. after 45 million votes, the one going home tonight is anoop desai.

no surprises here. i think america got it right. i think if the 2 continued on, they won't have a chance to win the contest anyway. i predict that next week, either allison or matt will be going home.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

american idol 8: dialidol predicts the top7 released its official predictions for the top 7 in their disco night. in a surprise result, they put no one into safety, having put all idols in danger. please see screenshot below:

i think this is not a good prediction. they will surely get it right since all the 7 idols are in danger. lil rounds and adam lambert has the busiest phone lines, which are my bottom 2 tonight based on performance. the bottom 3 on their rankings are kris allen, allison iraheta and matt giraud.

american idol 8: idols' disco night

tonight is american idol season 8 disco night and i expect fun all night long. with two idols going home tomorrow, after the judges saved matt giraud last week, the idols must bring their a game to please the viewers.

so here is my rankings for tonight's performances:

7. adam lambert - he took the risk of slowing down the melody but it is getting too predictable. if the song is slow, he speeds it up. if the song is fast, he slows it up. i hate the shrieking portion. i think this is his worst so far. he is getting too boring...

6. matt giraud - i expected more from him since he needs to step it up after being in the brink of elimination last week. it was okay, he changed the arrangement a bit but it was nothing special.

5. lil rounds - it was not a bad performance, but it was not great. it was okay and was a bit too over the top to me, to the point that it becomes too shouty. but the song exhibited her great voice. but going first would definitely hurt her chances.

4. anoop desai - i think he did okay but the start was too slow or me. i think it does not deserve the pimp spot but it will help him get through. the song showed his range and he did okay. i think we will still see him on stage next week.

3. danny gokey - i liked danny's performance tonight. he played with the arrangement a bit and it sounded good. it was not his best but it was good. i think it was enough to keep him in the competition. but at this stage of the competition, he becomes somewhat predictable. he needs to wow us next week for him to stay in the running.

2. allison iraheta - i like the fact that she is now exhibiting control of her voice. i initially hated her for being too shouty but now, she knows how to control it. she started soft, built it up and highlighted it in the end. but i still don't like the outfit...

1. kris allen - kris got a song nobody expected him to pick. it was really a risk and it paid off. he knows what he is capable to do and maximizes it. i love how he changed the melody and he really rocked it!

i did not expect disco night to be this boring, with everyone trying to slow their songs down. my bottom three based on performance are adam, matt and lil. but i think the bottom three will be lil, adam and anoop. who will go home? i think matt and lil will go home.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

amazing race14: mark & michael are eliminated

stuntmen and brother mark & michael became the 7th team to be eliminated in the 14th season of the amazing race. the arrived last at the mat at the season's 9th leg, which ended in gilin, china.

the two also arrived last in the previous leg, after suffering several misfortunes and bad decisions in that leg. they also incurred two 2 hour penalties in that leg, after paying their cab drivers personal belonging since they are already out of money. but luckily, it was a non-elimination leg of the race.

in this leg, they are so far behind and they still need to finish the speed bump. even if the flight to china enabled them to catch up a bit, the lag was still too much for them to conquer. they were eliminated at the pit stop that was st the sun and moon pagoda at the banyan lake in guilin.

this leg was also spiced up by the fight between jen and luke. luke threw an elbow at jen at the hair salon clue box, which prompted jen to call luke a "bitch." at the roadblock clue box, they also had a scuffle and luke pushed jen to the clue box, although it was unintentional. luke confronted jen at the pit stop but i think jen has the correct stand on this one.

kisha and jen were first at the pit stop, winning a trip for two to barbados. this is their first win in nine legs. actually, the first three teams were neck to neck to the mat, it only happens that the pair stepped on the mat first. so the rankings are as follows:

1. kisha and jen
2. tammy and victor
3. margie and luke
4. jamie and cara
5. mark and michael

so mark & michael are eliminated.

survivor tocantins: brendan is eliminated

after 24 days in the island, brendann synott became the 7th person eliminated and the first jury member of survivor tocantins: the brazilian highlands. the votes were split between him, sierra and coach, but brendan got the most votes.

in the reward challenge, the remaining castaways were divided into three teams of three; black, red and white. the black team was composed of jt, brendan and debbie. the white team is composed of sierra, errin and stephen. the red team is made up of taj, coach and tyson. they will alternately take turns of throwing metal balls and try to break the other teams' tiles. once all the teams' tiles are broken, they are eliminated. team with the last tile standing wins reward.

red looks like the team to beat since they have coach and tyson. sensing these, the two other teams immediately targeted the red tiles. this strategy paid off and the first team eliminated was the red team. it goes down to a nail biting showdown between black and white team. but in the end, the black team wins reward. their reward is a white water arfting trip down rio dovo and a picnic of sandwiches, chicken, brownies, chips and watermelon.

at this trip, jt really enjoyed the rafting part and he looks so happy. he also bonded with brendan so much and jt told him that he can be in their alliance with sierra, stephen and taj (which he already knows). jt really changed brendan's mind since brendan already wanted him out next.

at the immunity challenge, the castaways will navigate through a rope course. they are attached to a rope that is entangled over and under a wooden obstacle. they need to go from one end to the other by climbing, going over and under the wooden obstacle. first three to finish the first part will advance to the final round, which is more complicated, with a three level obstacle already. first to finish the course wins immunity.

the castaways started the race pretty even but towards the middle, it was evident that only four are in contention to advance. thes four are tyson, brendan, jt and sierra. first to finish is jt, followed by tyson. so the last place was contended by brendan and sierra, with brendan getting the last spot in the finals.

in the finals, brendan got the early lead, breezing through the three level course easily. tyson is not far behind but jt seems to lag much. but towards the end, brandan's rope got tangled up and tyson got up to him. he eventually took the lead and finished the course. tyson wins individual immunity back to back!

so at camp, planning on who to vote is very much evident. brendan is planning to vote out coach and coach is planning to eliminate brendan. eventhough the old timbira has the numbers, they are not sticking together and is working to eliminate each other. the power is now with the old jalapao, since who ever they decide to vote with will be safe.

at tribal council, brendan revealed that he has the hidden immunity idol but he decided not to use the idol. in the end, the old jalapao mebers decided to vote with coach. they split the vote between brendan and sierra. four voted for brendan, three for sierra and their votes went to coach.

an unexpected twist, blindsided again... brendan is eliminated!

brendan will be the first member of the jury and will be one of the few who will determine who will win the title of ultimate survivor.

Friday, April 17, 2009

american idol 8: judges save matt giraud

it is results night for american idol 8's top 7. last night was movie theme song night. i have a seaparate blog on their performances and i am predicting lil, anoop and matt to be in the bottom three tonight, with anoop finally going home.

the show starts with the week's group performance. they are singing maniac and i think this is one of the best group performances so far this season. everyone is in tune and everyone seems to be enjoying - plus the fact that they played with the judges on the start of the song.

so now, the results. the first three to get their results are allison iraheta, adam lambert and anoop desai. allison gave a good performance last night and she is safe. adam was next up. i rated him in the bottom three in terms of performance. but who cares? with his fan base he is surely safe... and he is. last is anoop. i rated him the worst performance last night. and after hearing 2 safe's tonight, i know he is in trouble. and anoop is in the bottom three. no surprises.

next up is jennifer hudson's homecoming to idol. this is the first time she is back after season 3. and there is so much hype going on about the oscar awards and the grammy she won already. jennifer gave a solid song number and she definitely showed the top 7 how to give a good performance. hope lil took notes...

next to get their results are kris allen and lil rounds. one of them is in the bottom three. this is a no brainer. kris allen gave the best performance last night. even simon agreed that he is brilliant. but lil was not bad last night. she was just okay. so again, no surprises - kris is safe and lil is in the bottom three. (oh yeah! 2 out of 2 already...)

last to get their results were matt giraud and danny gokey. another no brainer here. danny gokey has the fan base that matt can only wish for. and danny gave a better performance than matt last night. randy also contradicted simon by telling danny that he did his thing last night. and again, matt is in the bottom three and danny is safe.

so i think i got it right this week. the bottom three are anoop, lil and matt. ryan sent someone to safety immediately. and he sends anoop desai to safety. what? anoop is safe? yikes, lil is in danger....

next is miley cirus' number. i switched channels, so i missed it...

so back to the results. the one with the lowest number of votes is matt giraud.

what? lil beat matt? kudos to and thanks to the pimp spot...

so matt sings for his life. without the piano, he sings again and he seems to be better last night on the piano, though last night was even not as good. i agree with the judges, this is a case of doing too much to the song. the judges are deliberating and after a while, the female judges are already dancing to matt's number. i think they already decided his fate.

so after his song, it is simon who gives the verdict. he said that he is a good singer but he has no chance of winning this thing. so the judgs has decided, and it is good news for matt. the judges are saving matt giraud!

matt will go down in american idol history to be the first idol to be saved. it is actually his third chance in the competition. he was a wildcard and now, being saved by the judges. i think he does not deserved to be saved after his performance. but i think it was a good decision to use the save now and stir up the competition a bit.

the other idols ran to the center of the stage after the announcement and congratulated matt. but simon interrupted and said that he thinks that they should not celebrate because of two reasons. first, 2 idols will be eliminated next week. and second, next week is disco night. with the judges' save already out of the game, everyone is now in danger of elimination.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

american idol 8: dialidol predicts the top 7 gave their prediction on who will go based on the measurements on the busy signals of the idol phonelines for the top 7 of american idol. same as last week, they put only one idol to safety. this idol is danny gokey, whose phone line is the busiest among the top 7.

the six other idols are deemed to be in danger of elimination. so thei9r bottom three are allison iraheta, matt giraud and kris allen. kris' phone line is the least busy among the idols. allison and kris gave solid performances last night and i think matt deserves to be in the bottom 3 based on his performance last night.

this is the second straight week that kris allen got the lowest ranking in dialidol. last week, he was also in last place but when results came, he was not even in the bottom three.

here is the snapshot of the rankings last night:

american idol 8: idols sing hit movie theme songs

last night, american idol season 8 finalists sang movie theme songs and their guest mentor is none other than director quentin tarantino. expectations are high since we are down to our top 7 finalists and some took risk which paid off and some still did not deliver. so here is my rankings of last night's show:

7. anoop desai - i did not like the arrangement of the song. it was too slow for me and he was tentative at times. he still shows so much inconsistency. i will not be surprised if he goes home this week.

6. matt giraud - i did noot like his take on the song. i agree with randy, the first part was good but the middle and end was disaster. he was out of tune at the middle and seems to be catching his breath. i was very disappointed.

5. adam lambert - i still did not like his performance. i think it was over the top. it was too loud and shouty for my taste. too dramatic and i don't really get the hype he is receiving. it was just okay.

4. lil rounds - contrary to what others thought, i think her performance last night is one of her best so far since the top 13 performances. she sounded great and it was a good performance. did she deserve the pimp spot? no. but that could get her some votes.

3. allison iraheta - she chose one of my favorite songs and she did justice to it. for the first time, she showed the control that i was looking for. she started soft and she built it up towards the middle. she did not sound too shouty and i really like her voice.

2. danny gokey - another good performance from danny. i did not like the start, it was too slow and a bit too low for him. but when he reached the chorus part, it was really damn good. this is one of his best yet.

1. kris allen - i totally disagree with randy on this one, kris sounded good last night. i did not know the song he sang but he made me want to know the song. this is not his best performance but he definitely nailed the song.

so my bottom three based on performance are anoop, matt and adam. but i don't think this will be the bottom three after the votes. i predict that the bottom three will be anoop, matt and lil. lil might not be there since she got the pimp spot and she might get the sympathy votes. if she escapes the bottom three, i think allison be in the bottom three.

so who had the lowest votes? i think anoop desai has and will sing for his life tonight. i have said this before that

will the judges save him? no.

image is from:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

survivor tocantins: joe dowdle is out of the game

joe dowdle became the latest castaway out of the island in survivor tocantins: the brazilian highlands. joe is a real estate agent from austin, texas and was a member of the jalapao tribe.

the episode also featured the merge between the jalapao and the timbira tribes. a small feast was prepared for the merge, which prompted them to get a new tribe name and wear the new buff. the tribe color is now green. they all decided to the new tribe name, forza.

the merged tribe will now stay at the old timbira camp. when the old jalapao came over, they saw that they had a better shelter and they have to improve it. sensing that they are in trouble due to tyhe numbers, the jalapao boys worked around camp.

new alliances are also being formed after the merge. coach has approached jt to watch each other's backs and they are joined by stephen, debbie, tyson and erin. they are plotting to vote out brandon since they think brendan is manipulative and they think he has the immunity idol.

joe and erin, who were the last to go to the exile island, checked out the tree mail idol to check if the idol is still there. they found the compartment empty and they knew that either sierra or brendan has it, since they are the only other 2 timbira members who has been to exile island.

but joe has another problem of his own. he has infected his wound which was just below his left knee. it has been swollen and red and he has been limping around camp. many castaways has noticed this and are thinking of voting him off.

at the immunity challenge, tribal immunity idol is no longer at play and they are now playing for individual immunity. this week's challenge is a simple one. each castaway will cling on the pole and they must stay on the pole as long as they can. last person on his or her pole wins immunity.

the challenged seems to be simple but it proved to be very hard. at the start of the challenge, stephen and joe immediately struggled. less than 5 minutes in the challenge, stephen bailed out and joe followed soon. jeff noticed joe's wound and asked him if it was okay. then several other castaways struggled. taj, brendan and erin fell off their pole consecutively. jt also was struggling and fell off after about 20 minutes. only 4 castaways are left, all former timbira members. coach was the next one to fall, followed soon by sierra.

the challenge is now between tyson and debbie. both are struggling. debbie's arms are already shaking and tyson is holding on the pole by his toes. but soon after, debbie can hold on no longer and released her hold. tyson wins the first individual immunity of the season.

jeff asked the castaways to leave but asked joe to be left behind so that the medical team can look at his wound. the doctor told him that it was infected and the doctor feared that the infection is too close to his bone and it might worsen if he stays and played on. worst case is he might lose his leg.

back at camp, plotting begins, with the old timbira tribe meeting near the camp fire. coach and tyson are making brendan and sierra think that they are voting for jt so that they would not have a clue that they are voting for brandon. when coach told jt about this, jt feared for his life. if brandon plays the immunity idol, he might be in danger. so he and stephen asked tyson to split the vote between brendan and sierra.

stephen also asked taj if she was willing to vote for brendan and explained to her the whole set up. they are also wondering why brendan are not making signs of who they would vote since they had the exile island cross tribal alliance already. so taj said that she is willing to do it. so everything seems to be in place and it looks like either brendan or sierra is going home.

but jeff showed up at the camp. he said that joe is not with him and the medical team already decided that he cannot continue on in the game. he is now being lifted via helicopter to be treated and he will be fine. taj asked jeff to say to him that they all love joe and they miss him. jeff informed them that there will be no tribal council anymore.

tyson was crushed because his plan to eliminate the strong player brendan has been destroyed. anything can happen in the next three days and things will definitely change. in the preview, the so called exile island alliance was showing plotting against coach and coach is doing the same against brendan. i think either coach or brendan will go home next week.

what is unclear right now is that, will joe still participate as a jury member or not? hope he still continue as a jury member, just as what they did in a previous season. bruce was pulled out of the game due to stomach aches and he still continued to join the jury in survivor panama: the exile island.

image is from:

american idol 8: scott macintyre is eliminated

after performing songs from the year they were born, the top 8 idols now faces america's results. more than 34 million votes were counted and one idol might be going home tonight.

tonight's group performance was also a song from the year american idol was born. it was can't get you out of my head. i was a bit disappointed that kris and anoop got a smaller part this week. but over-all it was just okay, past week performances were better.

so now, it's results time. the first three that was asked to face results were adam lambert, kris allen and anoop desai. adam got a standing ovation from the judges aside from the fact that he got the pimp spot. i definitely think adam is safe, and he is.

now, it's down to anoop and kris. one of them is in the bottom three. kris gave an okay performance last night, not his best but anoop gave an awesome performance, way better than his past performances. dialidol got both of these idols on the bottom of there charts. so america votes, and kris is safe and anoop is in the bottom three. i think anoop does not deserve to be there.

guest star flo rida now performs on stage and gave an awesome performance with all the action, dancing and the stuff. awesome showmanship from this guy even if i did not like the song that much.

then, back to the results. danny gokey is next up. and he is safe. no surprise about that. matt giraud is next on the chopping block. matt gave the best performance last night, in my opinion. so i expect him to sail through to the next round. again, ryan gave him a cliff hanger and said that he is safe.

next is scott macintyre. in my episode review, i think scott gave the worst performance last night. i think scott is in the bottom three with dialidol on my side. and scott is in the bottom three and ryan guides him to the silver stools.

so it's now between the two girls, lil rounds and allison iraheta. allison gave an okay performance. i did not like it since did not know the song but the judges loved her. i would not be surprised if she is in the bottom since she has been there twice even if she gave a great performance. lil was one of the worst last night. i have predicted that lil will be in the bottom three. so after the nationwide vote, america listened to the judges, it is lil in the bottom three.

so the final list of the bottom three is anoop desai, scott macintyre and lil rounds. it is anoop's 3rd time in the bottom 3, scott's 2nd time and lil's first. i got 2 out of the three from my predictions last night. only anoop is not on my list.

kellie pickler from season 5 performed again on idol stage with best days of your life (i think that's the title of the song) from her self titled album. she was that girl who does not know calamares and was the rollerskating waitress. she works that stage out and even sang beside simon. if i am not mistaken, simon looked at her chests at least twice during that time. she looks hot and she looks better now. and she even sings better now.

so now, back to results. one will be sent first to safety, and it is lil rounds. i think anoop does not deserve to be in the bottom two after his performance last night. poor anoop. so it's down to anoop and scott. ryan reveals that only a 30 thousand votes separates the two idols. so the one with the lowest votes is scott macintyre.

he again sings air supply's the search is over and the judges is deliberating hard. i think paula and kara likes to save him since they are the ones cheering him on while he sings. after the song, simon reveals that they are on a deadlock, with 2 wanting to save him and 2 wants to let him go. they are still fighhting over it and simon said that there are still a couple of people that he thinks deserves to be saved rather than scott. so finally, the judges decided to end scott's journey.

scott macintyre is going home tonight.

this is the second week in a row that i got the boot spot on. next week will be hard but i think either anoop or lil will be going home next week.

image is from:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

american idol 8: dialidol predicts the top 8

here is the top 8 prediction from after the nationwide vote:

they only put one idol to safety, which is frontrunner adam lambert. all the other 8 idols are on the danger zone. surprisingly, the bottom 3 includes scott macintyre, kris allen and anoop desai. scott deserves to be there, having given the worst performance last night. anoop and allen gave a dcent performance and i don't think they deserve to be there. i think if this is the correct bottom three, the judges might consider saving kris allen.

was this a play safe prediction? putting only one idol to safety might be a play safe release so that they can still be so accurate after this. i think they should have put at least 3 idols to safety if they claim that they are accurate. or is this season really too close to call?

but my forecast still stands, scott macintyre will go home tomorrow night.

american idol 8: top 8 sings songs from the year they were born

this week's theme for the top 8 is the songs from the year they were born. each has a year's list of songs to choose from and some had unusual choices. so who made the right song choices? who sounded way older than they look? so here is my ranking on the top 8 performances.

8. scott macintyre - it was just not the song for him. it was just forgettable. he sounded off and he looked awkward. we have seen him on the piano for so long and now that he is standing up, it looks weird.

7. lil rounds - another wrong song choice. i think randy was right to say that lil is not listening to them. her voice sounded weak and it was really too big for her. i think this is her worst performance so far in the finals.

6. allison iraheta - her voice souded okay but i did not like the song. i don't know the song, it was unfamiliar. quite forgettable but not bad. and i still don't dig the outfit. hope she gets a new stylist next week

5. kris allen - i love kris but this is definitely one of his weakest performance. his showmanship was not emphasized since he performed in the audience, not on the stage. but he played with the melody quite a bit and he still sounds great.

4. anoop desai - this is his best performance yet. he got the right song. i did not like the first part. i can't understand some of his words but he picked up in the middle and sounded great towards the end. enough to put him through the next round. i agree with simon, anoop really lacks consistency.

3. adam lambert - adam sounded good, but not great. this is one of his better performances but not the best. it was okay, he showed his control and was noit too shouty. it was okay but i don't think it deserved the standing ovation from the judges. i heard better performances from other contestants in the previous weeks.

2. danny gokey - danny sounded great even though the arrangement was not that good.i agree with kara that he was powering the song from the start to the end. it shows his control, great build up and his showmanship. one of his best thus far.

1. matt giraud - this is matt's best performane thus far. he got out of the piano and did his thing. i think this is the first song he sang that i can clearly understand all the words he is singing. his voice sounded great and he worked out that stage. he showed he has what it takes to win this, but will the viewers vote for him? i think he still lacks the charisma that the other boys has

so my bottom three are scott, allison and lil. sorry but the guys are definitely out singing the girls this season. i think allison will be sent to safety first which leaves us with scott and lil as the bottom 2.

my fearless forecast: the one with the lowest number of votes will be... scott macintyre.

will the judges use their save? no. definitely not.

i have not been correct so far except for megan last week.hope i get this right again. let's tune in tomorrow night to find out.

new seasons of top chef and the apprentice will premiere in philippine cable television

new seasons of 2 big US reality shows will premiere in philippine cable television. these are actually finished seasons of the 2 shows but this will be the first time that it will be shown on philippine television. this is usually the case here. we are always a season behind, except probably for big reality shows such as survivor, amazing race and american idol.

top chef season 4 will premiere on april 15 on etc 2nd avenue. frequent commercials about the show has been airing in the channel and they are using the fact that a filipino chef is competing this season. dale talde is a 29 year old filipino chef from chicago and is one of the 16 chefs that will be competing for the title of top chef. before the show, he was a sous chef at buddakan, an asian restaurant in new york city. this season, expect a local favorite dessert (spoiler here --> halo-halo) make an appearance in the show and how the judges will react to it. the show originally aired in the US around the second quarter of last year.

the celebrity apprentice will also premiere in philippine television through star world. this is the show's 7th season and the first celebrity edition. included in the list of celebrities participating are playboy playmate tiffany fallon, olympians nadia comaneci and jennie finch, kiss frontman gene simmons, actor vincent pastore, tv executive nely galan, actress marilu henner, mma star tito ortiz, actor stephen baldwin, boxer lennox lewis, model carol alt, country singer tace adkins, america's got talent judge piers morgan and apprentice alumna omarosa. the show originally aired in the US early last year.

both show will premiere on april 15. celebrity apprentice will air at 9pm in star worls while top chef will be on etc 2nd avenue at 10pm.

are you the next big star: audition dates announed

gma 7's new talent search is now open for auditions. after the singing search ppinoy pop superstar and american idol philippine franchise pinoy idol, gma 7 will launch its new talent search program this year, are you the next big star? the show is rumored to be hosted by singer regine velasquez, who also hosted talent shows pinoy pop superstar and celebrity duets.

as reported by philippine entertainment portal, pre-screening is open to all amateur and professional singers, male or female, from 16 to 24 years old. professional recording artists are allowed to join the talent search, provided that they have no existing contracts and has no mainstream appearance in 2008.

the search have conducted its first audition last april 2 and 3 at sm baliwag. other audition venues are as follows:

april 18 - sm batangas
april 24 and 25 - sm marikina

auditions starts at 10 am. interested applicants should bring the following requirements:

1. original and photocopy of your birth certificate
2. a valid ID
3. 2 photos (1 close up and 1 full body)
4. 2 audition materials (2 cd's in minus one format)

so, are you the next big star?

amazing race asia: paula taylor will co-host philippine version of "who wants to be a millionaire"

amazing race asia season 2 racer paula taylor will be seen more on philippine television if spreading rumors are true that she will be co-hosting the philippine version of the popular game show who wants to be a millionaire. the show will air in tv 5 and the network decided to revive the show after a network insider was inspired after watching oscar best picture winner slumdog millionaire.

who wants to be a millionaire was first shown in philippine television way back in 2000 with actor christopher de leon as host. the show ran for 2 years and was eventually shelved in 2002. this year, rumors has it that tv 5 will start airing the show in may with a new host, comedian and tv host vic sotto. he will be joined by paula taylor as his co-host.

paula is not a new face in philippine tv. she represented thailand with friend natasha in the second season of the amazing race asia. she then went on to be a vj at channel v and has several tv and print ads here in the philippines. she is also rumored to be the new girlfriend of her fellow amazing race racer and tv host marc nelson.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

american idol 8: megan joy corkrey is eliminated

megan joy corkrey became the 5th idol eliminated in the finals of the 8th season of american idol. this came after a the performance night with the theme top 100 itunes download of all time. this theme gave a chance for the idols to be current and contemporary or stick with classics and make it their own. this week, idol got over 36 million votes from the viewers after the performance night.

group performance last night was a journey song, "don't stop believin'". i think they did a great job and i like the fact that they sang a journey song since the new vocalist of the group is arnel pineda, a filipino. so much about nationalistic pride.

the idols were first grouped into 3. the first group was composed of kris allen, megan corkrey and matt giraud. of the three, i think only kris gave a great performance of the night, even the best performance last night. after the voites were tallied, kris andf matt were safe and megan is in the bottom 3. megan even commented that she did not care what simon said about her performance last night.

the second group was composed of adam lambert, lil rounds and allison iraheta. these three are middle persons in the performance, they were not great but were not bad. but i rated adam the lowest among the three but considering their fanbase, i think it will be alison in the bottom 3. and after the vote, lil and adam are safe. allison is in the bottom 3 for the second time.

the last group was scott macintyre, danny gokey and anoop desai. this should be easy. danny and scott gave a better performance than anoop and i think it will be anoop in the bottom except if his fans gave it all last night, then it would be scott. so after the vote, it was anoop in the bottom 3.

so the bottom 3 this week is anoop, megan and allison. allison is the only surprise in that group, with the judges commenting that there is only 1 person worth saving, and i assume that would be allison.

guests for tonight are season 7 winner david cook and lady gaga. david sang his new single "come back to me" and he is still rocking the stage. he is really good. he was also surprised with a platinum record award for his album, hitting the 1 million sales in only 3 months. lady gaga also did a great performance with her hit song poker face.

so back to the results. the first sent to safety among the three was allison. still no surprise there. allison gave a good performance last night. so it is anoop and megan tonight. i predicted it wiull be anoop tonight but unfortunately, it was megan who got the lowest number of votes. i guess the guys did not vote last night. before she sang, simon said that since she does not care about their comments, they already decided that they don't care either, so they will not save her.

so megan will be going home to her son but will still go on tour after the season.

next week's theme will be songs from the year they were born. so we will be hearing songs mostly from the 80's. oldest among the group is danny gokey (1980), followed by adam lambert (1982). lil rounds was born in 1984 and the year after (1985), it was scott macintyre, kris allen and matt giraud. the two youngest are anoop desai (1986) and allison iraheta (1992).

Thursday, April 2, 2009

american idol 8: dialidol prediction for the top 9

after the top itunes downloads hits night last night, dialidol released its official predictions. the website who is 97% accurate last season has declared four idols as safe, namely danny gokey, kris allen, adam lambert and lil rounds. there is no surprises here since they are the frontrunners in this competition and has been the early favorites.

which leaves us with 5 idols left in danger. they are scott macintyre, anoop desai, matt giraud, allison iraheta and megan corkrey. still no surprises. scott and allison are bottom three listers in the previous weeks and the 3 remaining idols are wildcards. i think either megan or anoop will go home this week.

click on the image on the left for a better view of the results. or you can go to the website through this link:

american idol 8: a night of itunes download hits

american idol's season 8's top 9 sings the top itunes downloads of all time. it gave them a freedom to be more contemporary but some chose to do classic songs and give them their own twist. so which risk paid off and which didn't?

9. megan corkrey - i did not like the song choice even though i like her voice. i agree with randy, it was knida monotonous but she looks great on stage. i agree with kara, she is in danger

8. anoop desai - hope he won't shoose an usher song again. he is not in that level that usher is, and he is not an r&b singer. if megan escapes tonight's elimination, i think he will be in danger

7. adam lambert - i think this song is kinda untouchable. he gave an over the top performance for such a simple and classic song. i hate the arrangement and it was knda shouty. i did not like it, one of his worst performance so far.

6. lil rounds - boring and forgettable. lil is simply fading in this competition. she needs a break out song next week if she wants to stay in the running. i hate it when someone cries, hope she gets the sympathy votes.

5. allison iraheta - i did not like her arrangement. i did not understand some parts of her songs, she was muttering at points and she is too shouty for me (i have said this before...)

4. scott macintyre - i agree with the judges, this is his best performance so far since the top 13. good choice of song but i hate the hair...

3. matt giraud - it was okay but he was not great. another okay performance. i think he really lacks charisma. he is quite forgettable

2. danny gokey - he gave a decent performance tonight. i agree with paula, it is his emotions that gave each song he sings an edge.

1. kris allen - the best performance of the night by a mile. great arrangement, he surprised us with the piano and =the camera loves him. he has been so consistent so far, who says lack of exposure in the auditions can hurt someone? kris allen proves to us that a good singer can overcome lack of exposure by choosing the right songs and owning it. it's been like hearing a track on his album week after week.

my bottom 3 for this week is megan, adam and anoop. i know that adam will be safe because of his huge fanbase. so its probably megan and anoop going home tonight. fearless forecast is that anoop will be singing for his life tonight. will the judges save him? no.
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