Monday, September 22, 2008

survivor philippines: why chev lost

when the cast aways were introduced to the public, one of the cast aways that would fit the character of a survivor is definitely chev macias, a former gro from iloilo city. she is tagged as " bisayang palaban" in the show, and she definitely lives up to it. with her life experiences as an advantage being a survivor in real life, she is very witty, outspoken, diligent and reliable. so it came as a surprise to me that she was voted out first in the first season of survivor philippines. so what went wrong?

first, during the first two days in the island, she was quite reserved and does not talk a lot, though she kept herself busy and was really a great help at the naak camp. she did not establish a true alliance with in the girls. when the tribe was mixed, she has no ally to go to and was an easy target for elimination.

second, she did not do a great job stepping up at the immunity challenge. being the guide of the naak tribe, she cannot communicate well and had difficulty expressing her thoughts. though she did better than jc, who opted to be substituted in the middle of the challenge, it was she who was pin pointed due to the closeness of the male tribe members.

third, another reason is the male alliance. though it was not emphasized in last friday's episode, it was implied in several conversations that the male members have a strong alliance. and they played the game well. they immediately got kaye to their side and eventually got zita and veverly to vote with them.

fourth, she trusted emerson so much. she concentrated on forming the bisaya alliance with cris, emer and veverly; which she did not know are part of the alliance that would eventually vote her out. she did not observe what the other cast aways were thinking and believed every thing that emer is saying. if there is someone who blind sided chev, it was definitely emer.

and lastly, her strong personality is definitely a force to reckon with in the next stages of the competition. elimination a strong contender would definitely be a plus and an advantage to the other cast aways.

observing the naak tribe last friday, early boot might be vevrly (joined the alliance so much later), zita (she was not shown strategizing at all) or emer (who was not trusted by several girls and even some guys due to the alliance he was making behind their backs.

the naak male mambers did a great job in making alliances and strategizing so far. they are controlling the game on that part of the island. chev did not see it coming at all. if i were to ask why chev lost, i would probably say that it was mainly due to wrong alliances made, lack of strategizing and her strong personality.

but if chev lasted long in the game, she could definitely be a force to reckon with.
image is taken from the official site of survivor philippines:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sayang si chev!

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