after several months of anticipation, the amazing race asia finally debuted on axn last night. being dubbed as "the toughest race ever"; race fans all over asia expects an exciting season ahead of us. having been a fan of TAR and TARA, i myself has been waiting for the premiere of the show to see how tough this season will be. from the racers revealed special episode, we saw how diverse the casting has been for this season. compared to the other 2 seasons of TARA, i think this is the most diverse mix of racers we ever had. but it is still full of racers with celebrity status in their hometowns (it includes former beauty queens, tv hosts, actress, actors and models); which has been a norm for the past seasons of TARA.
the race started in bangkok, thailand and was kicked off by an eating challenge. last season also had an eating challenge on the first episode (the balut challenge in manila). they were tasked to eat bugs, frogs and scorpions, which are local delicacies in thailand. some of the teams had a hard time doing the task. henry and bernie finished first and was first to leave; followed by the beauty queens from thailand and the philippine team. the next teams finished closely behind them, with sam & vince finishing last in this challenge.
the next task was to proceed to a caltex station and clean a car. henry & bernie got lost and were overtaken by the beauty queens and the geoff & tisha.teams arrived at the gas station surprised, for they found out that they would be cleaning a passenger bus rather than a "car" which was stated on their clues. i think this is the most amazing car wash chellenge in amazing race history. most of the teams had a hard time finishing the task. it also rained while they were doing the task, which was a great help and a morale booster for them. sam & vince also provide comic relief at this point of the race (remember the munchkin cleaning the bus?). despite arriving in the station 2nd to the last, henry & bernie managed to finish first.
the next task was to sign up and board the bus that would take them to wat phai rong wua. the first 3 teams woiuld be on the 1st bus, the next 3 teams on the 2nd bus and the other teams on the last bus. mai & oliver took 2nd place but did not read the clue and left the gas station. this allowed neena & amit and the beauty queens to overtake them and go on the first bus. the second bus left with geoff & tisha, mai & oliver and ida & tania. the other teams took the last bus.
at wat phai rong wua, they were tasked to find their clues that were placed randomly on statues. the place contains hundreds of statues and what was worse was that it was already dark when they arrived. another catch was that the bus that they used getting there will leave the place exactly 20 minutes after they arrived. the teams from the 1st bus had a hard time finding the clues. the 2nd bus arrived soon and some of the teams did well, finding clues ahead of the others. mai & oliver and geoff & tisha was able to catch the first bus. henry and bernie boarded alone on the 2nd bus. all the other teams were on the last bus.
the teams then went to chiang mai, thailand where they encountered a detour, a choice between rice or race. in rice, they would pound rice to make rice cake and on race, they are tasked to drive a buggy along an 8 kilometer dirt track. most teams choose rice. i think only ida & tania and william & isaac choose race. but some teams switched to race after a grueling time pounding rice. the first team to finish the task was mai & oliver, followed closely by geoff & tisha. these 2 teams has been working together half of the race so they decided to go to the pit stop together and decide who will check in first by rock, paper and scissors.
upon arrival at the pit stop, mai had a hard time going to the mat, arriving last after oliver, geoff and tisha. but they were lucky as mai won the rock, paper, scissor m,atch with tisha and they checked in first. geoff & tisha checked in second, acknowledging mai & oliver's help in this leg and they said the that they deserve to check in first (hope this would bring them good karma in the next legs... and this made them more likeable). sam & vince originally arrived 4th but did not paid their taxi so they have to go back. 3 teams overtook them and they checked in 7th. neena & amit got lost on their way to the pit stop, they checked in last and were eliminated. team stadings are as follows: mai & oliver (thailand), geoff & tisha (philippines); henry & bernie (malaysia); natalie & pailin (thailand); ida & tania (malaysia), william & isaac (korea), sam & vince (hong kong), ad & fuzzie (singapore), niroo & kapil (india) and neena & amit (india).
it was great that for the first time in TARA history, the first leg is an elimination leg. it would definitely be so predictable if this was a NEL. it would also get boring. it was definitely a great episode, the tasks proved to be challenging and the racers were great. but i think they still need to step up more to live up to the tag line "the toughest race ever." i've seen harder challenges in TAR and earlier seasons of TARA. but we have more episodes coming in the next weeks so we expect harder tasks and challenges.
my early favorites are geoff & tisha and henry & bernie. i did not like the fact that mai considered quitting after finishing the first leg on the top position. i know that the race is really beyond her comfort zone but joining TARA needs so much mental preparation. there are hundreds of teams that applied for the position and it would be a shame giving up your slot that way. my wildcard would be sam & vince because they seem to be enjoying themselves in the race. my darkhorse would be william & isaac.
it was a great episode and i am very much looking forward to next week.
the race started in bangkok, thailand and was kicked off by an eating challenge. last season also had an eating challenge on the first episode (the balut challenge in manila). they were tasked to eat bugs, frogs and scorpions, which are local delicacies in thailand. some of the teams had a hard time doing the task. henry and bernie finished first and was first to leave; followed by the beauty queens from thailand and the philippine team. the next teams finished closely behind them, with sam & vince finishing last in this challenge.
the next task was to proceed to a caltex station and clean a car. henry & bernie got lost and were overtaken by the beauty queens and the geoff & tisha.teams arrived at the gas station surprised, for they found out that they would be cleaning a passenger bus rather than a "car" which was stated on their clues. i think this is the most amazing car wash chellenge in amazing race history. most of the teams had a hard time finishing the task. it also rained while they were doing the task, which was a great help and a morale booster for them. sam & vince also provide comic relief at this point of the race (remember the munchkin cleaning the bus?). despite arriving in the station 2nd to the last, henry & bernie managed to finish first.
the next task was to sign up and board the bus that would take them to wat phai rong wua. the first 3 teams woiuld be on the 1st bus, the next 3 teams on the 2nd bus and the other teams on the last bus. mai & oliver took 2nd place but did not read the clue and left the gas station. this allowed neena & amit and the beauty queens to overtake them and go on the first bus. the second bus left with geoff & tisha, mai & oliver and ida & tania. the other teams took the last bus.
at wat phai rong wua, they were tasked to find their clues that were placed randomly on statues. the place contains hundreds of statues and what was worse was that it was already dark when they arrived. another catch was that the bus that they used getting there will leave the place exactly 20 minutes after they arrived. the teams from the 1st bus had a hard time finding the clues. the 2nd bus arrived soon and some of the teams did well, finding clues ahead of the others. mai & oliver and geoff & tisha was able to catch the first bus. henry and bernie boarded alone on the 2nd bus. all the other teams were on the last bus.
the teams then went to chiang mai, thailand where they encountered a detour, a choice between rice or race. in rice, they would pound rice to make rice cake and on race, they are tasked to drive a buggy along an 8 kilometer dirt track. most teams choose rice. i think only ida & tania and william & isaac choose race. but some teams switched to race after a grueling time pounding rice. the first team to finish the task was mai & oliver, followed closely by geoff & tisha. these 2 teams has been working together half of the race so they decided to go to the pit stop together and decide who will check in first by rock, paper and scissors.
upon arrival at the pit stop, mai had a hard time going to the mat, arriving last after oliver, geoff and tisha. but they were lucky as mai won the rock, paper, scissor m,atch with tisha and they checked in first. geoff & tisha checked in second, acknowledging mai & oliver's help in this leg and they said the that they deserve to check in first (hope this would bring them good karma in the next legs... and this made them more likeable). sam & vince originally arrived 4th but did not paid their taxi so they have to go back. 3 teams overtook them and they checked in 7th. neena & amit got lost on their way to the pit stop, they checked in last and were eliminated. team stadings are as follows: mai & oliver (thailand), geoff & tisha (philippines); henry & bernie (malaysia); natalie & pailin (thailand); ida & tania (malaysia), william & isaac (korea), sam & vince (hong kong), ad & fuzzie (singapore), niroo & kapil (india) and neena & amit (india).
it was great that for the first time in TARA history, the first leg is an elimination leg. it would definitely be so predictable if this was a NEL. it would also get boring. it was definitely a great episode, the tasks proved to be challenging and the racers were great. but i think they still need to step up more to live up to the tag line "the toughest race ever." i've seen harder challenges in TAR and earlier seasons of TARA. but we have more episodes coming in the next weeks so we expect harder tasks and challenges.
my early favorites are geoff & tisha and henry & bernie. i did not like the fact that mai considered quitting after finishing the first leg on the top position. i know that the race is really beyond her comfort zone but joining TARA needs so much mental preparation. there are hundreds of teams that applied for the position and it would be a shame giving up your slot that way. my wildcard would be sam & vince because they seem to be enjoying themselves in the race. my darkhorse would be william & isaac.
it was a great episode and i am very much looking forward to next week.
photo is taken from the amazing race asia season 3 official website. this blog is also published in my multiply account: http://diyeysiaquino.multiply.com/
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