Friday, October 24, 2008

survivor philippines: naak wins week 6 immunity challenge

survivor philippines' week 6 immunity challenge was the same challenge used as the reward challenge for episode 2 of survivor vanuatu and episode 4 of survivor fiji. unfortunately, i did not get any pictures from survivor vanuatu. but here are some pictures from survivor fiji (pics taken from survivor phoenix and from the official cbs website):

the challenge starts with the palyers lined up in a narrow plank. the last person needs to cross the plank up to the other end, passing through each other tribe member. they are not allowed to sit or stoop down. if they fall, the one who is crossing the plank would start all over. but if only the other cast away falls, he then goes to the end of the line. first tribe to have all 5 members in the center platform wins immunity.

since naak has one extra member, kaye will sit out this challenge. naak has a clear advantage on this challenge since they are thinner and smaller. jc was the first to cross for naak and veronica for jarakay. jc fell into the water with cris so they had to start again. jc then had an easy time crossing the plank and passing through his tribemates. he finished with vern only through nikki. vern then needs to cross charisse who eventually fell into the water. next was marlon, whose girth was no help in the challenge and eventually jumped into the water.

on the other tribe, it was kiko's turn to traverse the plank. he had an easy time until he reached cris. they eventually fell into the water and kiko started over again. the second try was successful and naak never looked back and finished ahead of jarakay. no one from jarakay finished the challenge.

this is naak's 5th win, 4 challenges in a row. they would definitely gain the upperhand during the merge, since they have the numbers 6 - 4. on the other hand, jarakay needs to vote out another member. will this be another surprise vote with one of the stronger members getting the boot since the merge is coming? or will they vote out the weakest link that is not helping them in camp and in challenges? we will see in tonight's episode of survivor philippines.

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