bernabe "rj" calipus jr was born to a filipina mom and a french dad. but he never met his father. he grew up in tondo where he learned to be street smart. he became a father at the age of 17. having finished only up to second year high school, he got any job available to feed his family. prior joinin the show, this 20 year old father of 2 worked as a porter and kargador at divisoria. he also attends automotive classes at night.
business manuel chua jr. had a been a speed junkie and a womanizer before he met his partner who is a lawyer. they now has a 4 year old daugher. after they had his daughter, he let go of his vices and promised to be a good provider for his family. he currently runs an appliance store that he inherited from his father. they now have 36 branches in luzon then but after his father died due to liver cirrhosis, they were left with only 3 stores.
only 2 more participantes will be revealed tonight and the 12 participantes are complete.
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