Thursday, July 7, 2011

marko and tadd wears filipino shirts in so you think you can dance 8

filipinos marko germar and tadd gadduang wears filipino shirts in their respective pre-performance interviews in the top 14 performance night of the 8th season of so you think you can dance.

for those who are not familiar with marko and tadd, please refer to this post:

marko, who hails from guam but is of filipino blood, wore a maroon shirt with the words "up fighting maroons" and the oblation symbol:

tadd, who is from salt lake city, utah but is purely filipino, wore a white shirt with the map of the philippines on it:

here are marko's (and partner melanie) and tadd's (and partner jordan) performances tonight where you can see the shirts during their interviews:

hope they would still showcase their filipino heritage in the future episodes. proud to be pinoy! proud to be a maroon!

pics are screencaps from the youtube videos above

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