after the last tribal council, where sierra was voted off; coach was visibly upset that taj and erin did not vote for sierra. they are calling them cowards. debbie is getting annoyed by all that coach is saying. coach is plotting to vote off taj, then erinn, which he has agreed with jt. he still has no clue that jt and stephen is not solid in their alliance.
the next morning, debbie woke up and decided that her alliance with coach is not doing her any favor and coach is not liked by any one at camp. so she decided to put her game face on and drop coach and plot to vote him out. she talks with jt about it jt is still in doubt about debbie's loyalty.
the reward challenge for this week is the survivor auction. each castaway has 500 dollars to buy any of the items up for grabs. teh first item is french fries with mayo and ketchup dip. taj and debbie wants this and bids for it. but in the end, it was debbie who won the fries.
next item is chicken parmessan and garlic bread and a glass of wine. coach immediately bids at 100, stephen beat it at 120. they are fighting for it when jt immediately raises it to 300. coach raised it to 320 and jt did not bid any more. coach gets the item.
the next item will be kept covered. jt and stephen are bidding for it. but in the end, it was jt at 160 dollars that won it. when the item was revealed, jt was pleased to see that it was nachos. the fourth item is also covered. stephen bids at 20 and jt challenges him up to the 100 mark, saying that anything is painful to see below 100. so the fourth item goes to stephen. jeff reveals that it is chicken heart, which is a local delicacy in brazil.
the last item is now for auction. it's a cellphone with a message from home. any castaway can give his or her money to someone who they think deserves it (they can pool money) and only one can receive the message from home. the castaways gave their money tpo taj, who misses her family the most. so taj wins the last item.
what? erinn did not even participate in the auction. she did not even bid once. is she the first to ignore the auction in survivor history?
so taj cries over the message from his husband with his son and their dog. at the end, her husband said "see you at camp..." and he kisses the camera. jeff repeated the last statement to taj and it was only then that taj realized that her husband will be there in tocantins!
so jeff reveals the twist, if she agrees to go to exile with her husband, all the other castaways will get to see their lovedones. of course taj will agree, for all of them gave their money so taj can buy the last item in the auction. so all of them will see their loved ones.
taj heads on to exile where she meets her husband, football player eddie george. he was amazed on how much weight she has lost and she shows him her insect bitten legs and unshaved armpits, oh how sweet...
back at camp, the other castaways meet their loved ones. jt got a visit from his little sister, stephen got his brother, erinn got his dad and debbie was with her husband. but wait, coach's loved one is his assistant coach. does coach's family doesn't want to see him? hugs here and their, crying everywhere. i think this is one of the most emotional reunions ever in survivor.
when it was time to say goodbye, all had a hard time letting go and there was more crying and hugging....
the immunity challenge follows soon. it's an obstacle race and a mental challenge as well. each castaway must dig a hole on the sand below a plank. they must pass through the hole and below the plank. they would next cross a balance beam and then crawl under ropes to the end of the course. at the end, they need to memorize 10 math symbols that they need to put in order on the equation on the starting line. they will then solve the equation. first castaway to finish wins immunity.
at the start, it was jt who leads the course, followed by coach then taj and tstephen. jt had a huge lead and was the first to write down symbols on his board. most of the castaways had 2 trips through the course before they got all the symbols, except for stephen, who got it all on his first trip. it was down to jt and stephen on solving the math equation. but in the end, it was stephen who finish first. jeff checks his board and declared... stephen wins immunity!
back at camp, more haggling continues. debbue is still considering voting coach out. the ex-jalapao tribe is in complete control of the game! it is really amazing. who ever goes tonight will definitely be between debbie or coach. coach is still clueless that jt and stephen is not with him. poor coach.
at tribal council, coach again provided so much words of wisdom about the remaining castaways and the jury seems annoyed by it. so it still comes down to the vote. stephen keeps the immunity necklace and he is the only one who is safe tonight.
so now, the votes:
debbie is eliminated!
coach looks surprised. he is the only one who did not know that debbie is going (aside from debbie of course). hope he realizes he is in danger next tribal council.
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