Cofre en el Agua (Coffin in Water): Participantes lay down inside a transparent glass coffin being submerged underwater. At the signal of a pilot light, the Participante must open a lock using one of three keys to release themselves from the coffin and swim toward the edge of the pool marked with the logo. The two who finished the stunt the fastest would be exempted from further competing in the round. In case no one finished the stunt, the lengths of time the Participantes lasted underwater will also be assessed.
Caja del Terror (Box of Terror): The Participantes are laid inside a box which is partitioned in three sections, one at the head, one surrounding the feet and the middle section, each to be filled with either rats, snakes, or frogs. The Participante must transfer the specified number of a the animal in the middle section to a fish tank next to the box in three minutes. The fastest one to accomplish the stunt would be exempted from competing in the third stunt. In case all were not able to complete the stunt, the number gathered will be assessed.
Circuito con Explosiones (Circuit with Explosions): Each Particapante tries out a giant wire loop game, in which touching the wire maze with the giant electrical hoop triggers a fiery explosion behind the Participante. The one who completes the stunt the slowest or the one who went the least furthest (in the most time) before setting off the explosion goes home to the Philippines.
in the first stunt, it was only rj among the saistig that did not finish the stunt. marion had the fastest time of 19 seconds followed by jommy with 20 seconds. manuel and savannah did it at 26 seconds but savannah was penalized for holding the lock and the key before the signal. janna did the stunt in 42 seconds.
in the second stunt, only manuel and janna were able to transfer all 15 frogs. manuel was the only one with snakes on his head, making it a lot harder. it was janna who was safe and she was faster than manuel by only 2 seconds. the last stunt will be between manuel, savanah and rj.
in the last stunt, only manuel finished the stunt. savanah reached a farther distance compared to rj. savannah was able to clear 2.97m of the loop while rj only reached the 2.60m. rj was eliminated and was sent back home to the philippines.
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